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Sunday, March 17, 2013

12 Reasons to Have TechnoGranny Celebretize Your Social Media

12 Reasons to use TechnoGranny™
Dreamweaver Marketing Associates
Celebretize Your Social Media!
Buy time If you don’t have time to learn or manage your social media activities. But want an active presence on the major networks, such as Twitter, Facebook and Google+.
·        Use our Maximized expertise to choose the right networks for you for the best visibility and the best return on your investment
·        Great social media plan to eliminate helter skelter social media with a distinct direction to move your brand forward.
·        Use timely responses to improve quality and promptness of your customer service on and offline.
·        Your Values, Your Practices, Your Audience!   We learn about your business, assimilating your needs and integrating your social media with your business culture promoting added value to your image.
·        Your goals, your tone, your style adopted into a social media plan that will have measurable success
·        Social media is a fast-moving environment, give real-time responses that inspire confidence in YOU.
·        Social media changes almost daily.  We keep up for you on the new systems and tools when they arrive.
·        Outsource your return on investment (ROI) question. We provide a plan to demonstrate your ROI.
·        Get tracked results for your social media activity and proactive approach to getting measurable results.
·        Interesting, insightful and humorous posts to get prospects and customers to click ‘Like’ or ‘Follow’
·        Questions from Customers and Prospects answered quickly with an informative reply.

Leave it to us to build up knowledge of what gets best results for your business.

(c) Joanne Quinn-Smith, 2013
 All Rights Reserved.

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