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Monday, August 3, 2009

TechnoGrannyShow, AnnelieseRN,, NCLEX Help

Anneliese Garrison

I have a associates in nursing from cumberland county college

I have a bachelor's degree from Stocton State College ( both in New Jersey )

I am a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant from the Vicki Milazzo Institute in Texas. This means I help lawyers decide whether they have a mal practice case or not when called upon.

But my passion lies with helping nursing students. My web site is and was established in 1997.

I also travel and do live seminars when I can.

My website got started because I failed my NCLEX Boards 2 times. You have to get a license to practice nursing after you graduate but you have to pass the nursing national exam then get a license. I failed this twice. Devastated with nowhere to turn to help me, I made a web site to help nursing students who were in the same boat as me.
The current passing rate for first time test takers is 90%
For repeat test takers it is 73%
Internationally trained nurses 43%

My website taps into the the quite a large number of canidates that to not pass the boards.

I started the site in 1997 free

in 2003 I started doing live seminars on how to pass the NCLEX

In 2005, I had a baby and put my seminars on audio for sale. As the years went by and since I am just a small entity, I have lowered the cost of my seminars especially now due to the economy.

Trying to find a cheap economical way to interact with my students online and sell my material at the same time, I found an interactive whiteboard type classroom called wiziq

I also use talkshoe both of which are free but I have utilized them on my website to generate some income.

in 2003 I started doing live seminars on how to pass the NCLEX

In 2005, I had a baby and put my seminars on audio for sale. As the years went by and since I am just a small entity, I have lowered the cost of my seminars especially now due to the economy.

healing the community by caring 4 you

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