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Sunday, January 20, 2013

TechnoGrannyShow, 9 Types of EBooks You can Publish

Techno Granny, 9 Types of E-Books That You can Publish
Time: 01/07/2013 10:00 AM EST
Episode Notes: What a great way to start the year. Remember that book you've been meaning to write, and didn't know how to go about getting it published or didn't want the expense of self publishing. Help is here....... This month TechnoGranny will focus on E-Book Publishing and yes, reading also but mainly publishing Culminating in the launch of TechnoGranny's own books.

Today our guest is Joyce Faulkner has been writing and winning awards since she was 15 years old. Her background also includes a career in engineering. She’s written for a variety of magazines â?? from technical to literary.

Her book For Shrieking Out Loud is a compilation of her column with Celebrity Café.com “The Weekly Shriek.”  She is the Past President of Military Writers Society of America and the editor of MWSA Dispatches Magazine. She’s an author and ghostwriter. Joyce Faulkner’s books move and intrigue and are flat-out fun to read. Writing in a variety of genres, her stories focus on the complexities of life those things that make one think. They can scare the pants off of you and then make you laugh. She tells the stories that others can't tell for themselves.

Joyce is an award winning and profit earning traditional and E-Book Author.  Things you will learn today-- Sony, Nook, Kobo, Scrivener, Adobe InDesign, Acrobat Reader, Kindle, and Nook and Smashwords.  Listen in to archive about the 9 Most Popular Types of E-Books.

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Joyce Faulkner has been writing and winning awards since she was 15 years old. Her background also includes a career in engineering. She’s written for a variety of magazines — from technical to literary. Her book For Shrieking Out Loud is a compilation of her column with Celebrity Café.com “The Weekly Shriek.” She’s currently the President of Military Writers Society of America and the editor of MWSA Dispatches Magazine. She’s an author and ghostwriter.
Joyce Faulkner’s books move and intrigue — and are flat-out fun to read. Writing in a variety of genres, her stories focus on the complexities of life — those things that make one think. They can scare the pants off of you — and then make you laugh. They make you cry and they make you wonder why things are the way they are. She tells the stories that others can’t tell for themselves. 412.496.5034
@JoyceFaulkner , @Windshift, @MWSAPresident
Also, contact:, 281.807.1300

  • There are three main types of eBook formats -- mobi, epub and pdf.
  • There are many devices that read one or the other of those formats as well as apps for computers and tablets.
  • For the purposes of an eBook, a pdf is an electronic presentation of a print book's layout. There are many eBook readers out there that will allow you to read a pdf - including Acrobat Reader, Kindle, and Nook. However, it is the least flexible for the audience.
  • Mobi and ePub eBooks are essentially websites inside a "wrapper" which the various devices can display. This means that they use html, css, java, and other languages.
  • Mobi is the descendant of one of the earliest eBook formats which used a subset of the standard html library. Amazon purchased that company and modified the software to create books for Kindle readers.
    • You can create Kindle books from authoring tools like Scrivener or by installing an Amazon plug in to layout software like Adobe inDesign or by creating a Word file and submitting it to Amazon (they will translate it to Kindle for you). Or you can use services like
  • The other eBook format is ePub which Sony, Nook, Kobo, and other devices read. You can also create them with Scrivener, Adobe inDesign, and services like
    • There are two versions of ePub -- one is the familiar free flow where the reader defines how he wants to see your book with settings on his device or app. The other is the fixed format ePub where the reader sees the book as the designer intends.
    • A special form of the fixed format ePub is the new iBook from Apple. These books include interactive elements, audio, and video. 
  • The new versions of the traditional formats and ever-growing options for book presentation will fundamentally change storytelling.
    • In the past, eBooks were adaptations of books developed, written, and formatted for print.
    • Now, authors can write books that take advantage of all of the new tools from the moment an idea emerges.

Joyce Faulkner

Contact me at:
Author of:

Losing Patience

Co-author of:

Role Call: Women's Voices
Sunchon Tunnel Massacre Survivors 

President of Military Writers Society of America

Advisory Board
Talencea Corporation ( is a Search Firm automating the recruiting process using Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing. 

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