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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

TechnoGrannyShowNotes: What is DNS Changer Malware, Why is July 9 Important

Listen to archive of this show, but you can also get all of the information by going to the Links.
All of the information I provided on this segment is directly from the various links listed in this blog.

Techno Granny, What is the DNS Changer Malware? Why July 9 Important

DNS Changer Malware, July 9, Why is It Important? You have probably read this stuff all over the internet and are wondering what it's all about, so TG decided to do a little intel today of what I have been able to find out and sites you can visit to make sure your computer is ... 

What is the DNS Changer Malware?
On November 8, the FBI, the NASA-OIG and Estonian police arrested several cyber criminals in “Operation Ghost Click”. The criminals operated under the company name “Rove Digital”, and distributed DNS changing viruses, variously known as TDSS, Alureon, TidServ and TDL4 viruses. You can read more about the arrest of the Rove Digital principals here, and in the FBI Press Release.
What does the DNS Changer Malware do?
The botnet operated by Rove Digital altered user DNS settings, pointing victims to malicious DNS in data centers in Estonia, New York, and Chicago. The malicious DNS servers would give fake, malicious answers, altering user searches, and promoting fake and dangerous products. Because every web search starts with DNS, the malware showed users an altered version of the Internet.
Under a court order, expiring July 9, the Internet Systems Consortium is operating replacement DNS servers for the Rove Digital network. This will allow affected networks time to identify infected hosts, and avoid sudden disruption of services to victim machines.
How Can I Protect Myself?
This page describes how you can determine if you are infected, and how you can clean infected machines. To check if you’re infected, Click Here. If you believe you are infected, here are instructions on how to clean your computer.

Here is a simple You Tube Video done by Albert Torasco to show you how to find out if you are infected and fix it.

These are the links to go to: 

 If your computer is okay you will get a green screen with this logo on it.  But pay attention to the message below.

All of this is copied directly from when I checked my computer.

DNS Resolution = GREEN 

Your computer appears to be looking up IP addresses correctly!

Had your computer been infected with DNS changer malware you would have seen a red background. 

Pay attention to this:

 Please note, however, that if your ISP is redirecting DNS traffic for its customers you would have reached this site even though you are infected. For additional information regarding the DNS changer malware, please visit the FBI's website at:

·     For you tecchies out there who are a bit more advanced here's a manaul way from CNet

How to detect and fix a machine infected with DNSChanger

The FBI will be closing the DNSChanger network on Monday, after which thousands worldwide are expected to no longer be able to access the Internet.
  July 7, 2012 4:00 AM PDT


Albert Torcaso said...

Thanks for listing my video here Techno Granny. It occurs to me that in a way it seems that this video that I have done and the links that we have been directed may be useless as it says people will not have access to the internet and if that is the case then they could not reach any of those sites. Or am I missing something? For that reason I advised people to contact the FBI as they should have another way to direct people to clean this malware.

I would like to know what the more advanced computer users have to say about this question and matter.


Albert Torcaso said...

Thanks for listing my video here Techno Granny. It occurs to me that in a way it seems that this video that I have done and the links that we have been directed may be useless as it says people will not have access to the internet and if that is the case then they could not reach any of those sites. Or am I missing something? For that reason I advised people to contact the FBI as they should have another way to direct people to clean this malware.

I would like to know what the more advanced computer users have to say about this question and matter.


Albert Torcaso said...

I just hope that all who have been infected have found a way back online.