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Thursday, February 4, 2010

TG Show 1-25-2010, Alternative Phone Service for Business

Talking Points...

1). Since 1996 due to litigation...You have the ability to choose a

Vendor for your Local Phone, Long Distance, and Internet Service.

2). Ilec is the incumbent local carrier....CLEC is Competitive Local

Exchange Carrier...

3). CLEC usually less expensive, and offer the latest technology improves cost come down..allowing

consumers to save money and get bigger better faster services.

4). Voice services can be anywhere from a basic phone line (POTS)

plain old telephone service. To a PRI (Primary Rate Interface) 24

channel voice T-1. And beyond.

5). Internet Services can range from DSL Service (Data transport over

copper pairs) best effort Data T-1's to Bonded T-1's to

Ethernet Circuits to Fiber Technology.

6). The technology is out there to serve the two line Pizza shop or a

Modern Hospital facility sending massive files over a data circuit.

7). The key is you should always shop around and look for a solution

that fits your business and your budget.

T.R. Freiling

412-960-5947 Office

412-960-5980 Fax

412-5922565 Cell


Official Voice and Data Provider of


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