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Friday, February 26, 2010

TechnoGranny Show 2-8-10 E-Books and Social Media, Building a Platform

 This show was recorded live and can be heard archived on TechnoGranny's syndicated Pittsburgh Internet Radio Channel on at or at:

Publishing an e-book 3 areas to consider:
  • Content
  • Marketing
  • Technology

Only thing to say about content is make sure it is interesting to readers Feel passion for the topic

How to e-books should be 35-75 pages.

Marketing: hardest Part

Can choose to go it alone and work very hard or place with an agent and work very hard

Social media is driving marketing of e-books. This includes posting comments in forums and discussion pages, creating a fan page on Facebook, developing an e-mail marketing campaign, an affiliate program and services such as Squidoo who marry a web store with charitable causes. May also host webinars, attend networking events, speaking engagements.


1st choose format:

e-book, audio or video podcast (Vook by Viddler is now out and I love it but these publishers are only looking at hot sellers right now. Crush It has been published in audio, Vook and e book as well as print)

For e-book need to decide service first. Can choose to go with a publishing site such as (list a couple of them here) or set up your own store front.

I use JEM by JROX. This works well for both digital media and promotional items as well.

If you decide to do this on your own be aware that you will have to have access to technical support or be able to learn quickly. As with any site, you need time to familiarize yourself with the platform. this needs to be weighed against the need for immediacy in making the sales.


You will also need to set up a pay system for handling the sales. Ditto with the affiliate program. Paypal is by far the easiest to set up but you may have an existing arrangement with a merchant account.

If you decide to let a service market your book, check out the formats for the book. Each service recognizes certain services.

Amazon, who markets the Kindle recognizes certain formats. Apple just announced the Ipad. As part of this they announced the Apple e-book store. They will ensure that all of the ebooks marketed through their site is in E pub standard.

A great fallback for almost all readers is a pdf.

You can choose to use your standard word processing software but be aware that formating for different readers is time consuming if you go this route.

To keep from limiting buyers you need to be flexible.

there are some platforms for authoring your book.


Author It is a platform geared to composing the multitude of documentation needed by large corporations. Although it is the gold standard it is also pricey and quite frankly overkill.

Desktop Author is my preference. At $150+ for the software, you may decide to use your word processing software for your first book.

Distribution is highy controversial.

You need to weigh the ease of use for the buyer with your own concerns of piracy. DNL and DRM are 2 concerns. Desktop Author handles this one way. You may decide that another approach is best for you.

Talking Points on

Building Relationships: The Social Rose Book One

Published by Gemma Event Marketing Associates, 2009


1. SociaL Media Consultants have been encouraging people to build numbers of connections. This quest for numbers without considering the usefulness of the connection is not the best ROI on your time in building your business.

2. Social media reached critical mass in 2009.

3. LinkedIn is the number one social platform for business and is not expected to reach capacity until 2013 with an expected I billion users.

4. Social Media and social networking are tow typs of social interactions which must be considered as part of a corporate strategy in reaching golas and objectives for your business.

5. A report on trends from 2009 shows that more professionals will become consultants, and consequently, small business owners thereby needing to establish their personal branding within the next decade.

6. Personal branding requires an understanding of how social interaxctions will impact the bottom line.

7. Social interactions recognize the immediacy of living in a mobile and global world.


Brenda Greathouse

Gemma Event Marketing Associates


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