Five Technologies
Formerly Science Fiction
21st Century
technology blurs the lines between fact and fantasy. Techno Granny knows we are living on the cusp
of technological breakthroughs which have the potential to changes lives and
the world as we know it. Techno Granny
delves into the research of what was once science fiction and shares with us 5
ways some of the world’s most innovative minds are developing and marketing
cutting edge high-tech devices for everyday use.
Time: 09/09/2013 10:00 AM EDT
“Do you ever hear about a new technology and say to yourself, ‘I saw Bones do that on the old Star Trek series’? Or do you watch a medical procedure on a documentary and quickly realizing it looks like something from Star Trek? These five technologies will prove to you that yesterday’s science fiction is today's technology. Techno Granny reports on: smart phones that do kidney tests.....sprayable with Google eco-friendly building material and digital autopsies....
Paying attention to
science fiction because the future of science is today and it’s rooted in the
science fiction of yesterday”.
In the world of health care, technology is
vital. Researchers from around the world
receive millions of dollars to explore various ways technology can be advanced
to save lives, heal and improve the health of individuals. In the August 30, 2013 issue of reporter Antonio Pasolini
uncovers the latest smart phone adaptations that allow diabetics and other
individuals plagued with kidney disease to self-monitor levels of the blood
protein albumin in their urine.
UCLA' portable testing kit for kidney problems |
The article “, Portable device
works with smartphone to perform kidney tests,” outlines the advantages
of using this new technology developed by researchers at the University of
California. The benefits are promising on a number of levels; the tool weighs
just 5.3 ounces, is compatible with Android and Apple phones, proclaims accuracy to
within less than 10 micrograms per milliliter, testing can be completed within
5 minutes and this is expected to be a cost efficient and time saving tool for
patients and physicians.
Read the complete article here.
Feeling sluggish
halfway through your day? Do you often
make midafternoon visits to Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts for a quick and often
pricey, coffee pick-me-up? Look no
further for a solution to the daily doldrums,
author Dave Parrack describes the advantages of a caffeine body spray in his
article ‘Sprayable
Energy provides caffeine hit through the skin.’
Its makers claim that Sprayable Energy will
provide a gradual hit of caffeine through the skin
The idea behind Sprayable Energy is to reduce caloric intake,
maintain fresh breath and still get your caffeine fix-
by spraying a few squirts onto your skin up to 4 times a day.
in the classroom is advancing at a rate quicker than many can keep up with. Furthermore, the use of various devices to
promote and advance health care is evolving at an even faster pace. Mingle the 2 and you will receive a first
rate educational experience, second only to being there in person. Dario Borghino’s article for
surgeon streams operation via Google Glass,” is both
fascinating and enlightening.
surgery while wearing Google Glass could offer advantages for doctors and
patients(Photo: Ohio State University)
This experience of blending education, health care
and technology occurred in 2013 when Dr. Ismail got his hands on a set of Google
He teamed up with colleague Dr. Kaeding, who
performed a routine knee ligament surgery wearing the Glasses. The surgery was streamed live to a group of
medical students at Ohio State and at the same time, to colleagues who were
able to consult with him in real time.
Wearable computing
devices have been a hot topic of conversation within the medical community for
years. The value of physicians and
surgeons accessing vital patient information is being realized by more than the
health care professionals themselves. Accessing high- tech instruments allows
for more than just a heightened educational opportunity for medical
students. Utilizing tools, such as
Google Glass would permit medical personnel to extend time sensitive
information any place in the world, grant surgeons near instant access to
patient records in real time and connect specialists and colleagues any time
via the internet.
Although many in the
medical field are already thinking outside the box, imagining the possibilities
Google Glass could provide, more testing is required before this instrument is
used on a regular basis.
Upcycling is trendy and
obviously for good reasons. The saying
waste not, want not comes to mind, especially when considering the cost of a
new car, clothes and furniture. If you believe in the ideology of recycling but
are tired of the shabby chic look an alternative may be on the market in the
near future; Zeoform.
Zeoform promises a recyclable, low carbon-footprint
building material that's as strong as ebony
Antonio Pasolini’s
article “,Zeoform:
The eco-friendly building material of the future”? Published in the August
29, 2013 edition of,
Pasolini explains how the Australian company Zeo has created a glue-free
process that creates building material from nothing but cellulose and
water. Not only does the patented material
possess strength comparable to hardwood but it can be molded into any shape.
What are the benefits to Zeoform? Cellulose is a raw material, a natural
compound, that has been found in certain algae, the secretions of bacteria and
extracted from paper, fabrics and plants.
The formula Zeo has invented works by mimmicing a natural glue-free
process called hydroxyl bonding; when cellulose fibers cling to each other in
water generating a product that is envirnomentally friendly, non-toxic, water
effectient and recyclable. The products produced by Zeoform would be
water and fire resistent and, ‘as strong as ebony’.
are underway to provide a digital alternative to traditional autopsy
The final article for review is “Digital autopsy: Replacing scalpels with scanners,” by Colin Dunjohn. Here is another fascinating example of how
the mediacl community is embracing technology and offering to expand their
findings for educational purposes, thus creating a technology chain that many different
groups can reap benefits from. In his article for,
Dunjohn explores the innovation of Mathavan (Matt) Chandran. Chandran is able to take raw data from Multi
Slice Computerized Tomography (MSCT) the standard technology used today, and process it through a high-tech computer
system, which allows the human body to be viwed in HD (high definition).
As CEO of iGene, Chandran credits the drive toward developing
this software from the desire to alleviate famly trauma and honor various
religious doctrine. In addition, there are plenty of other purposes for
advancemening digital technology in medecine, such as security of patient
records, easy accessibilty to data by law enforcement, doctors and other hospital
staff, in addition to the educational component that accompanies virtual
This newly developing digital autopsy is not a replacement
for the current system used, but an enhancement to traditional autopsies.
Pramod Bagali, chief operationas officer at InfoValley, the parent company to
iGene, expalins the new scanner could potentially manage 70% of routine
autopsies and complement other established means of examinations at a fraction
of the cost.
Between investments and funding iGene has received nearly 100
million dollars to pursue the use of digital autopsies and with interest
stemming from all across the globe the growth potential for the industry
appears promising.
Techno Granny Show Hosted By:
Joanne Quinn-Smith is the Creative Energy Officer of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and an expert on Web 2.0 Branding, 2009 National SBA Small Business Journalist of the Year, Author "Folly of Marketing Plan in Your Head, 101 Compelling Reasons to Write One." Available at:
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Joanne Quinn-Smith is the Creative Energy Officer of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and an expert on Web 2.0 Branding, 2009 National SBA Small Business Journalist of the Year, Author "Folly of Marketing Plan in Your Head, 101 Compelling Reasons to Write One." Available at:
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© Joanne Quinn-Smith, Techno Granny Show™ 2014 All rights reserved.
Dreamweaver Marketing Associates | (412) 444-5197
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