Title: Techno Granny, 5 Tips for Setting Up An Independent Community TV Show |
Time: 06/11/2012 10:00 AM EDT Episode Notes: Most communities have a local access station where community producers can get their own TV show produced and have time slots for air time. Community TV Producer Al Levine of Pittsburgh Sportsline which airs on Bethel Park Community Channel will give tips on setting up your own community television show. |
From Wikipedia
Community television is a form of mass media in which a television station is owned, operated and/or programmed by a community group to provide television programs of local interest known as local programming.
Community television stations are most commonly operated by non-profit groups or cooperatives. However, in some cases they may be operated by a local college or university, a cable company or a municipal government.
Al Levine, "The Talking Machine" C0-Host of Pittsburgh Sportsline Publisher: Pittsburgh Gaming News |
How do you become a Producer and a host on a public access station?
Last August a friend of mine asked if I would like to do a Sports Talk show or a Political talk show. I decided to do the Sports show.
Here are my tips for doing a live or taped show on public access TV.
Find out if there is a public access station in your community. Then you can be the producer of the show, like I am.
From Wikipedia her is a list of Public Access TV stations:
2. Meet with the Director of your local station. They will tell you what rules to follow, times for a show and much more. Do you want to do a Live show like ours or video a show and bring the DVD in to play?
3. How many hosts or guests do you want on your show? You may be limited by the size of the studio.
4. Do want to do a weekly show? Monthly?
5. What day do you want to be on?
Story of the show: With all of our questions in hand, we went to talk to the Director of Bethel Park Public Access TV.
Dave Cable, yes that is his real name. He gave us great info to start our show. He has great volunteers who help produce and video our show. Thanks to Erin, Devin, Chris, Joe and Frank. They even have a phone system to take calls during the show.
My friend Michael Migliore has been a talk show host on Steel City Sports World in the City of Pittsburgh for around 7 years. He is also a photographer and a filmmaker too.
We came up with the name Pittsburgh Sportsline.
I met Mike's friend and co-host Smokin' Jim Frazier. He is an NFL scout, a Steeler scout and a columnist for the Pittsburgh Courier. Jim has won a Golden Quill award too. He currently co-hosts Steel City Sports World on Comcast PCTV 21 in the City. He is now a very good friend of mine too
Chip Haynor is our 4th regular host. He has plenty of stories and great insights.
Dave Cable does the graphics and info for our show. He also uploads our Live show to www.youtube.com
Dave Cable does the graphics and info for our show. He also uploads our Live show to www.youtube.com
each week.
BPTV is on Fios #32 or Comcast #7. We have heard of people watching our show in Monroeville and other communities.
As Al Levine "The Talking Machine" I have a lot of great stories to tell. Ask about our first show.
Our First Show was on October 10, 2011. We just did our 34th show last week.
Bonus Tip:
If you have expenses and don’t have a budget you can find sponsors or grants but you have to have a mission that plugs into the community. Your sponsors however will only be listed as credits for name recognition as on most community access TV stations you cannot sell a product or service.
If you have any questions about doing a show, guests, public service announcements, sponsors, a website or how we prepare for a show give me a call 412.973.9611.
Al Levine "The Talking Machine" host of Pittsburgh Sportsline, live every Tuesday from 7-8Pm on BPTV in Bethel Park.
Community Relations and
Development Director
Hug-A-Thon Pittsburg
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