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Monday, March 16, 2009

TechnoGrannyShow, How to Speak "Geek", Is It Really Another Language?

This show was originally taped at on March 16, 2009 and can be heard archived at:
or on its own unique radio channel at

Your best bet in understanding the computer geek is to truly master the "computer language" as well as knowing how to work on many complicated programming applications including JavaScript, Web scripting languages, etc. You really must Obtain mastery in a variety of programming languages.

You will need to start learning basic computer repair procedures. Most computer geeks will build their own computers to their specifications. You can also help someone else's computer if it breaks down, which will let you understand how fulfilling it is as a computer geek. Or you could do what Techno Granny does and get them to be guests on your show and then everyone will think that you know how to talk to them.

You also could learn to work with computer geeks! You may find realize that they know things you do not know, and vice versa. Remember, you want to know as much as possible about computers in order to understand a computer geek. That’s why I started this show because I could not understand what was going on most of the time.

I figured out I could also learn to recognize computer viruses such as spyware and trojans that can damage computers. I did learn how to run antivirus and antispyware scans, sort of. In addition I figured out that I needed a firewall and that it was not just something for Girl Scout camp.

But the big thing was to get familiar with commonly used terms including bit, cookie, ip address, protocol, ram, server, spam, wysiwyg, etc. I think I just made up wyswiwyg but I am not sure considering there are things out there like Twitter and Plaxo and Meebo and Talkshoe where I originally recorded this show.

The internet is a wonderful thing and that is where I found absolutely everything except editorial comments and if you really want to take the time to learn to speak, “Geek,” then you can go to:

Clicked on “Geek Jargon” and this is where the following information came from and much more on the 3-16-09 Techno Granny Show.

24 - 7 24 hours a day - 7 days a week. Refers to the type of connection a computer has to the internet (never off) or someone who spends all their free time on a PC

56K A high-speed modem that lets your computer 'talk' to others, and transfer information at a high rate of speed using special compression algorithms

Active desktop Windows 98 technology: makes your wallpaper interactive- links can be made in the wallpaper, news / information can be displayed and updated as wallpaper. So what’s wallpaper?

ActiveX New technology that improves video and audio output. When I used to see a message about Active X it terrified me because I thought it was something horrible like the anti Xmen heroes invading my computer.

Add-on Hardware added to a computer after purchase to enhance ability.

Analog Type of information transfer that allows for 'variations' and 'in-between' values; as opposed to digital that is either on | off, yes | no, true | false, etc.)

A type of computer (not compatible with the IBM types referred to as PC's).

A hidden or undocumented login account or access level to a program or system - often left by programmers so they can get back in to a system at an administrative level in case of an emergency, or system lock-up.

Backend The communication or programmer level of working with data (example. dBase language to sort data; or VB to change how a form looks on screen)

Refers to a website or page, and checking 'back' to see how many other places link to it.

Bandwidth Network / Internet phrase referring to how much information can be moved across the network at one time. Means volume rather than speed.

Bells and Whistles The little extras on a computer or program: (spell checkers, scanners, etc.)

Program or system that has been written, and is in the process of being tested and fine tuned, but not ready for sale yet.

Bitmap Type of graphic using colored dots to form a picture (see vector, and raster)

Bit buster Program that locks up computer by accessing too much memory.

Board The Mother board inside the computer that connects everything

Boot (Re-Boot) To start up a computer (or restart)

Bot A computer program that searches the internet for web pages and their content. These are often used by search engines, like Yahoo, Excite, etc. to find information people are looking for in the search boxes.

Bounce Returned email due to invalid name or address. (undeliverable).

Brain fart To make a mistake due to working with the wrong program, language or OS (ex. typing "dir" while in UNIX, or "list" while in DOS)

Bridge Networking hardware used to connect 2 'unlike' types of networks.

Browser The program used to 'look' at the internet (WWW) pages or sites.

Browse Same as Surf - to get on the internet and look at different areas.

Bug Program code that causes a computer to malfunction or doesn't work as intended

Burn Usually refers to creating a CD-ROM

Byte A single character or instruction of computer language
Top of Page

Cache (Memory) Special area of memory that stores recent commands so they can be executed faster than calling the information back from the Hard Drive again

Channel Sites on the internet that carry news and information. (Also networking terminology)

Code verb: To write a program - noun: the instructions a program carries out

Coder Person who writes computer programs (code)

Command line
An interface used that utilizes keyboard commands to execute commands rather than using a mouse to click on items.

Computer Literate Person who knows how to use a computer. Not necessarily understanding the technical aspects, but can adjust settings with front end apps, and run programs

And that’s all you need to be to turn on your computer and use most of what normal people need to know but I thought it might be interesting to explore a totally new language called “Geek Jargon.” Don’t forget if you want to know anything about computer jargon go to:

There is absolutely nothing original in this blog and you can go to the above web site and copy any of it also, just be sure to give them credit.

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