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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Warning to XP Users

From: Bonnie Boots (

Now, Windows XP Users, PAY ATTENTION! If you prefer Windows XP over Vista (I do!)you only have 2 weeks left to make sureyou have a back up copy of XP. At the end of June, Windows XP is officiallyat its "end of life" as far as Microsoft isconcerned. After that, no updates or suppportwill be offered and it can not be sold in retailoutlets.

This is important if you already have WindowsXP installed but have misplaced your original (back up) copy of it. If you ever need to reinstallWindows XP on a repaired or new computer, you musthave your own backup copy in hand. If you don't have a copy of the software anymore you will want to move fast to purchase a back up before it is removed permanently from retail shelves.

Check your software files now. Make sure you have a good back up. If you need to secure one, check withthe place you purchased your computer to see if they'llreplace your OEM copy, or look on for thefull retail package. Do this BEFORE JUNE ENDS!

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