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Monday, January 28, 2008

Episode 39: Voice Over IP, How Far Can I Call for 2 Cents?

EPISODE39 - Voice Over IP, How Far Can I Call for 2 cents a minute?

The discussion centers on using your high speed internet for more than the web and tv. This is a discussion on uses for home and business by Patti Pribish of Xcelic corporation. You can reach Patty at: Her Skype id: ppribish

Xcelic Corporation is in business to help Architects, Businesses, Building owners, Construction Companies and tenants successfully work with the technologies in their buildings. By designing an infrastructure to integrate your data, telephone, paging/intercom, video, audio, fire and security systems Xcelic can save you time and money so that you can focus on your business.

All these technologies that your business needs to be successful run through the walls of your building or wirelessly to your employees to help you get your work done. We call these building technologies or information transport systems (ITS).
Patty discusses how a business can reduct telephone costs and simplify IT support by implementing an integrated data and Voice over IP (VoIP) system

Patty discusses:

• How college students can get free telephone access.
• How to use VOIP at home to reduce phone costs.
• Equipment needed for VOIP.
• Reducing costs of business phones by 50%.
• Using a VOIP accelerator to improve voice quality and transmission quality.

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a protocol optimized for the transmission of voice through the Internet or other packet switched networks. VoIP is often used abstractly to refer to the actual transmission of voice (rather than the protocol implementing it). VoIP is also known as IP Telephony, Internet telephony, Broadband telephony, Broadband Phone and Voice over Broadband. "VoIP" is pronounced voyp.
Voice has been transmitted over internet since 1973 and VOIP was introuduced around 1996. It’s not just for geeks anymore.

VoIP can facilitate tasks and provide services that may be more difficult to implement or expensive using the more traditional regualar phone service. Examples include:
• VOIP is a simple inexpensive way to add an additional phone line
• You can still get 3-way calling, call forwarding, automatic redial, and caller ID; features that traditional telephone companies normally charge extra for. .
• Call from anywhere Only an internet connection is needed to get a connection to a VoIP provider. For instance, call center agents using VoIP phones can work from anywhere with a sufficiently fast and stable Internet connection.
• You can add video conversation, message or data file exchange in parallel with the conversation, audio conferencing, managing of address books, and passing informaion.


Purchasing a head set: Be sure to get a headset with echo reduction which will have two jacks one for your micropone and one for your head phone.

To answer the question posed by the title, VOIP is the best deal for international calling. If both parties have Skype, you can call Germany for two cents a minute.

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