If you are under 55, you might bust a gasket trying to figure some of these out.
There is no originality here with the pictures, these have all come from a great site https://yougottobekidding.wordpress.com If you are not subscribe to it, please do. The narratives under each picture are original narratives from the TechnoGranny, who is definitely over 55. Hope you boomers enjoy this walk down memory lane and many other that yougotobekidding.com can provide if you subscribe.
And for you genxers and millenials, don't drive your parents or grandparents too crazy asking them if this stuff was invented before the civil war. To my knowledge this is all post civil war technology and products.
Listen to the Show HERE
Today's Guest and Co-Host
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Today's co-host and guest, JoAnn Forrester |
JoAnn R. Forrester is an award
winning business owner, teacher, author, columnist, small business advocate and
host of the Empress of Biz, Listen! Learn! Prosper! She has 30 plus years guiding small
business owners to success. As co-founder of S I Business Associates, a
business growth management firm, she has secured 40 plus million dollars in
loans and investments for her clients. She is the co-developer of the PRICE
IT PERFECT™ cost management system for small business.
JoAnn is a celebrated business
author of two well received business books:
VS GOLIATH MARKETING HANDBOOK© and the author of a children’s book, The Gift of
Holiday Valley. JoAnn has been
a featured business columnist for the Pittsburgh Business Times writing on
Business Finance and for PPLMag.com She
generously shares her expertise and knowledge on her blog, “Empress of Biz”
Listen, Learn, Prosper on www.empressofbiz.com.
Hosted by: technogranny Title: TechnoGrannyShow, If Under 55 These Images Will Never Dance in Your Head |
Time: 02/02/2015 10:00 AM EST Episode Notes: If you are under 55, you might bust a gasket trying to figure some of these out. Techno Granny and the hilarious Nanny Granny, aka EmpressofBiz, JoAnn Forrester will talk about what it was like when they were yungins in vivid descriptions of stuff millenials and gen-Xers have probably never seen or heard of. Over 45 products and technologies to make you go, "What the......."" You can find the pictures and blog post at: http://technogrannyshow.blogspot.com/2015/01/technogrannyshow-if-under-55-these.html| But do listen in we are sure it will be much more entertaining live.| Also if you are tired of explaining to your kids or granchildren about the dark ages pass this one on to them and also the blog. BTW, not an original idea, we got most of the ideas from a great blog https://yougottobekidding.wordpress.com |
A brown bag lunch was not just fashionable, it was how both kids and grown-ups carried their lunches before fast foods.popular small business if you had one, immortalizing the size of a babies foot by bronzing their first pair of hard walking shoes.Yech, this is what a cough drop was before they invented cherry. Notice active ingredient anise and Smith Brothers was the brand name.
The grade school teacher with "eyes in the back of the head" would teach you from this chart of letters on the top of the blackboard in the front of the room and pull down this map to teach you about "geography." Now that's a novel subject in schools today.Yikes, this stuff burned but if you skinned your knees everyone knew every little cut you had because your mom would put this on them and seemed like the orange tint did not go away for weeks.Best glasses in the world for keeping ice cold drinks cold and the condensation would gather on the outside.These were made from homemade potholder kits on a loom and this was TechnoGranny's first business. She made them and had her brother and his friend go around the neighborhood selling them for a quarter. They were cute, she was an entrepreneur. The business was very successful.
The old wringer washer. You had to be careful not to get your hand or even more stupidly caught in the wringer. The barrel was the agitator and the wringer got the water out of the clothes so you could hang them on the clothes line. Listen in to find the horrific story of Techno Granny getting her Cher-like long hair in the sixties "caught in the wringer." A saying you won't hear much anymore!This glue was the pits. It always dried up on that little slit at the top and you had to use scissors or some other object to open it up. Pre-cursor to Elmer's glue and not even worth wasting a slow horse to get.This is not something from a Star Trek movie but the way we dried our hair with very advanced "Portable hair driers. The case looked like a low toilet seat when it was closed up for storage. BTW, under the hood of this drier are old fashioned hair curlers wit wet hair wound around them. When you emerged and took out the rollers, "volia" you had dry, curly hair.
A mimeograph machine. This is how church bulletins, parent letters sent home with kids and newsletters were printed. And if you weren't careful the purple ink on the spindle would come off your hands and worst of all, often your cranked it by hand until electric ones were invented--progress.
Although many eco conscious parents are now opting for cloth diapers, you don't see these much anymore. They were called rubber pants and you put them over the cloth diaper to keep the pee in and other stuff. Sometiems they worked and sometimes they didn't. You also had to know how to "fold" a diaper for maximum absorbency. If you were lucky you had a diaper service who picked up the dirty diapers and brought you clean ones each week. But guess what before you stored them until they were picked up, you had to rinse the diaper of excrement in the toilet.
Imagine all the crazy things your kids say! Well Art Linkletter interviewed kids on his very popular TV show and there were often some very embarrassed, red-faced parents in the studio audience.This was the stuff ladies dipped their combs in before rolling their hair onto a wire mesh roller. I think it was the forerunner of hair mousse but much messier.
This was a transistor radio. Notice the numbers on the dial, that' show many stations we could get, maybe! They ran on batteries and we carried them and played them out loud, "without ear phones." So adults had to listen to what many of them found very offensive music, "Rock and Roll!"Imagine gathering around this and having to imagine the pictures in your head. This was the family radio where we listened to things like "The Shadow Knows" coming magically out of the box.What a great game this was when there were no game boys, Nintendos and other handheld baby sitters. Our parents would just dump these out on the floor and we would amuse ourselves for hours picking up the sticks with other sticks.The most brutal punishment, writing on the blackboard one hundred times or more,listening to the chalk screech on the blackboard and getting chalk dust all over you.As my granddaughter was reading "Diaper of a Wimpy Kid" I tried to explain to her what a locked diary was. Whoopie,now I can show her a picture. We used to wear the tiny keys on a ribbon or shoe string around our necks and tuck them secretively under our blouses.These were called pin curls, held together by bobby pins. Great if you wanted ringlets or had a short, curly "bob." When you unpinned them you hopefully had very curly hair which you could spray with "Aqua Net" hair spray or Breck, but now I am taxing my memory.This was a home permanent which the ladies gave to each other and you wanted to be elsewhere because it really smelled rank.Pants racks or forms to keep the carefully ironed pleats in one's husbands pants. I say husband's because this was before women universally wore them, pants that is. My mother never wore a pair of pants until I was a senior in high school.
How many times did I scrape my knuckles on the cement trying to pick up the jacks before the balls bounced. We played in ones and twos and threes and fours, etc and you kept on going until the ball bounced without you picking up the appropriate number of jacks for that round. There was even a dance, "The Ball and the Jack" complete with a hit record.
You could buy these for twenty-five cents at Woolworth's or Benjamin Franklin's 5 and 10 Cent Store. The red stick was magnetic and you could take the metal shavings and give this red nosed guy a mustache and funny hair. Then when you were done you would shake it and start all over again to make a new picture.A cross between bug spray and turpentine, don't know how many mothers got this for mothers day and Christmas until they were saved by the Avon Lady. Kids could but it again in the local 5 & 10 for a dollar or maybe less.
The infamous "Bunny hop," need I say more or perhaps it was the conga line.Driving your parents crazy by stretching the "phone cord" and laying on the floor talking to your friends.Teenage heart throb Rickie Nelson, singer and son of Ozzie and Harriet Nelson of the "Ozzie and Harriet" show, campy TV with a perfect wife as a star.A drag along cannister vacuum cleaner before uprights even, need I say more.Oh yes, you had to put water or spit on the brush to use this.The old rotary phone that plugged into the wall with a cord. If you still have one of these you will never be out of luck for phone service when the power goes out.Teenage hang out and favorite date spot, the soda shop. These were the first real paper cups, uncoated with wax and you had to have the bottom silver liner because if you didn't drink the soda fast enough it would come through the paper.You had to attach these to your 45 records so you could play them on your turntable. What's a 45 record? Ask your grandma if she still has any. Vinyl is coming back and we play them all the time at TechnoGranny's house.Silk stockings which came packaged daintily in a box with tissue and separators.Fuses which ran the electricity with old nob and tube wiring. When a fuse burned out you had to take flashlight to the fuse box in the scary basement and replace it for the electricity to come back on.
Listen to TechnoGranny and guests talk about these and other boomer technology and products as they walk you down memory lane.
Watch for current show week of February 2, 2015.
Also listen to a similar podcast shows here:
Techno Granny, 4 New Technologies Could Have Been
Used in Old Movies & TV
Techno Granny, Five Technologies Formerly Science Fiction
Techno Granny, I Love Lucy Show and Technology
Techno Granny, Technology That You Thought Was Dead
Techno Granny, Christmas Technology of the Fifties
Techno Granny, TEchnology Our Mothers Told Us About
Techno Granny, TEchnology Teenagers Don't Know About, the Fifties
Techno Granny Show, Technology Teenagers Don't Know About, the Sixties
Techno Granny; Tehcnology Teenagers and Under 30's Don't Know About
Joanne Quinn-Smith is the Creative Energy Officer of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and an expert on Web 2.0 Branding, 2009 National SBA Small Business Journalist of the Year, Author "Folly of Marketing Plan in Your Head, 101 Compelling Reasons to Write One." Available at: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DHKVJOG
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© Joanne Quinn-Smith, Techno Granny Show™ 2007-2015 All rights reserved.
Dreamweaver Marketing Associates | (412) 444-5197
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