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Rob Jones, is an on online entrepreneur. He makes his living creating, selling and promoting digital products online. He does not have a college degree. He had no prior experience when he started doing doing business online, and he is completely self taught.
He has only been doing this a few years, but already he is making more money than he ever made at any job in his entire life. In the last month alone, he did more than $200,000 in sales working part time from home.
How much more laid back can you get and still make money? Rob on a break from WORK! |
This type of work allows him a very flexible schedule and a comfortable, low stress lifestyle. He works whenever and where he chooses with nothing more than his laptop. Sometimes that's at local coffee shops, and sometimes it's right from his loft in San Francisco.
"I'm a big fan of working smarter rather than harder, and I don't like trading my time for money, so I tend to focus on developing creative ways to make money that follow these principles."
"I like to leverage leverage simple ideas, processes and automation to make money on autopilot...or as close to it as I can get.
I work a bit like a short bursts. When I get a new business idea, I will usually get really into it and work like crazy in the beginning while the creative juices are flowing. Then as the business idea becomes more developed, I quickly start working towards automating it."
Here are a few talking points:
-Anybody, regardless of their experience level, can start making money online with the right strategies, tools and a little dedication.
-Your background and current situation don't matter...many of the most successful people in the world came from nothing. I got into this when I was broke and struggling. I'd been laid off from my job and had been unemployed for nearly two years. I had no college degree and no experience. I was deep in debt. My credit cards were maxed out, and I couldn't get another credit card to save my life. I was living in a 250 square foot studio apartment. Yet despite all these things, I still managed to succeed, so if I can do it, anybody can.
-There's 1001 ways to make money just need to find a method that fits your personality type and not be afraid to fail a few times. The beauty of this type of online business is it takes almost no overhead, so your risk is extremely low, which means there are really no excuses for not trying. The barrier to entry is almost non-existent. It's never been so easy to start making money online.
-With Trustjacker, you can make money off simple everyday social activities online like discussions on Facebook, Twitter and forums.
-Trustjacker lets you make money without directly selling anything by simply sharing information and helping people.
Rob Jones
Skype: robqjones
Kind regards,
Rob Jones