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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

TechnoGrannyShow, Five Ways Chiropractic Care Can Improve Your Health

TechnoGrannyShow, Five Ways Chiropractic Care Can Improve Your Health

Hosted by: technogranny
Title: Techno Granny, Five Ways Chiropractic Care Can Improve Your Health
Time: 05/14/2012 
Episode Notes: Many people do not understand all the benefits that a Chiropractic Doctor can provide or how they can actually help improve your overall health.  Many people still look on chiropractors and chiropractic treatment with suspicion and misunderstanding.  In addition a comprehensive chiropractor will often discover health problems or conditions that are outside their realm of training. When this happens, your chiropractor will refer you to a medical professional who can help you deal with these needs, therefore helping ensure your continued good health. Listen in as Chiropractor, Dr. Dan Turo discusses five specific ways that chiropractic care can optimize your health.
Listen to Dr Dan on TechnoGrannyShow Here

Turo Family Chiropractic Inc.
Dr. Daniel A. Turo
625 Lowries Run Rd. STE 100
Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Talking points:
1.      Chiropractic care improves nervous system function.
The alignment and motion of your spine is directly related to the function of your nervous system. Your nerve system is made up of your brain, spinal cord, and delicate nerves that coordinate every function in the body. It is your body’s conductor and without it you could not be in tune. The nervous system is so important that it’s messages are protected by bone, which are 24 segments that make up your spine. If you spine loses its alignment or motion, known as a spinal subluxation, then this places increased stress on the delicate nerve system, which can lead to poor health and function. Chiropractors seek to restore spinal alignment and motion, reduce stress on the nerve system, and increase overall body performance and function.
2.      Chiropractic reduces oxidative stress, which has been linked to increased disease.
Oxidative stress is a natural process in the body that occurs as a result of our metabolism. If you place a piece of metal outside, what happens over time? It rusts or oxidizes. This oxidation also takes place in the body, but at a much slower rate. The amount of oxidative stress is dependent on many environmental factors but also largely related to nervous system function. It has been shown that long term chiropractic care increases serum thiol levels, which is a measure of DNA repair and overcoming oxidative stress on the body. (Kent, JVSR-2005)
3.      Long term chiropractic care has been linked to decreased hospitalizations and prescription medications.
A study in May 2007 that came out of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics showed that individuals who used chiropractors as their primary care provider has a 60.2% decrease in hospital admissions, 59% decrease in hospital days, and 85% decrease in pharmaceutical costs compared with individuals who used conventional medicine as their primary health care provider.
4.      Chiropractic care is safe, gentle, and effective for many childhood health challenges.
Asthma, allergies, ear infections, and colic are common in many children in our country today, but they are far from normal. Chiropractic adjustments can be customized for the size of the infant or child and are normally no more forceful than the amount of pressure used to check for the ripeness of fruit. With these gentle adjustments, nerve function is improved and health can be restored without drugs or surgery. Many children under chiropractic care also experience less frequent colds. When you restore nerve system function, the health possibilities and potential are infinite.
5.      Chiropractic alleviates pain and increases sports and recreational performance.
Pain is something every human experiences at one point in their life. Pain is very useful to tell us when there is a problem. If you place your hand on a hot stove or step on a nail, it is pain that begins the reflex to remove your hand or foot from the source of pain. However, chronic pain may be experienced from an injury that never had the chance to heal properly. With the restoration of nerve function through spinal adjustments, pain may be decreased. Whether you are at work, on the sports fields, or playing an instrument; everyone functions better without constant pain.

Turo Family Chiropractic
Family  owned and operated business located ½ mile off the Camp Horne Exit of I-279 in the North Hills of Pittsburgh. Our mission is to restore spine and nerve system function to our community members through precise analysis and adjustments to optimize health and healing. Founded in 2011, we practice “womb to tomb” chiropractic with our youngest patient at 6 months old and our oldest at 76 years and counting. We are very active in community events including charity runs and employee appreciation days. We strive each day to educate and empower the Pittsburgh community on healthier lifestyles choices. Whether you want to live with less pain, have more energy for you kids, or win your next marathon or golf tournament, our goal is to help you reach yours. 

Dr. Dan
As a North Allegheny 2003 alum, Dr. Dan truly understands the Pittsburgh hometown pride. In high school, he had the opportunity to enroll in an anatomy and physiology course, which illuminated his pursuit towards a career in health care.

He completed his bachelor of science degree in Kinesiology (the study of movement) at The Pennsylvania State University and graduated Cum Laude in Fall 2006. He found his true calling while researching and touring the Life University campus and their College of Chiropractic located in Marietta, GA. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

TG show 5-7-12 7 Great Tech Products and 5 Websites for Mom

Hosted by: technogranny
Title: Techno Granny, TG 5-7-12, 7 Great Tech Products and 5 Websites for Mom
Time: 05/07/2012 10:00 AM EDT
Episode Notes: Just for Mom, a Technology Savvy, Mom's Day Special. Started out to find some new or neat technology for Mom's and found in the process some great sites for moms also.  The products range from unique I phone covers to wireless printers for you handheld devices and a soft rocket launcher to keep dad and the kids away from your computer.  The websites are websites that give out great information for moms, from views to reviews but mostly tech savvy stuff.  This show is for you from the Techno Granny to all Tech Savvy Moms and Grandmas, too! Happy Mother's Day.


If you like gift cards, you'll like Wrapp
Social gifting is the latest Internet trend, made clear by the numerous services cropping up for making group gifting easier (GiftSimple, for example). Much easier if you know what it's like to take two kids under the age of four to the mall.

If you also prefer the gift card route, you'll like a new service called
 Wrapp which has some amazing features via Facebook.

Wrapp is a social gift card service that works through Facebook. You simply download the mobile app to your phone (iOS or Android) and access your Facebook account. Upon logging in, you'll see whose birthdays are coming up and the various gift cards available for you to give them. So it's kind of like a gift-giving and don't-forget-your-friend's-birthday service all in one   Read more

Other cool stuff or mom mentioned on this site:

Another great mommy site:

I pad accessories
Exercises working moms can do at their desks
Dell ultrabook review
How to Remove “Ads not by Facebook” from timeline
Online photography class review
Piano dust buster review
Coolsite, good info.

 If you doubt that mom's are using more technology these days, then you need to read this article and this was LAST YEAR"S statistics, imagine how inflated they are this year.

2011 ForbesWoman Top 100 Websites For Women

Posted on June 23, 2011 by Beth B.
I am not only fascinated by Forbes lists but I enjoy reading the Forbes website. Last year it was a wonderful surprise to be on the 2010 Top 100 Websites for Women. Today I got another thrilling surprise – is included in the Forbes Woman 2011 Top 100 Websites for Women.

Had a blog which was pretty cool and changed to website in January of this year.  Didn’t have a lot of time to review but an article on extending battery life did catch my eye.

Microsoft has even gotten into the act:

Got carried away, even found a site written by a psychologist where she is featuring a MONTH OF MOMS, actually having guest bloggers who are moms for one month.
Here is what she says about herself and the blog is called simply,  Dr Stepanie,  as a marketeteer I really like this one.

“Welcome to Dr. Stephanie - Life through the eyes of a psychologist. I am a clinical psychologist in suburban Denver, Colorado and work with adults, teens, and tweens. I am also a regular gal who enjoys family, friends, and having fun - just like everyone else. In this blog I write about technology, parenting, friendship, and pop culture - all with a mental health twist. Thanks for stopping by.

Moms Adopt More Mobile Technology
“Use of mobile technology by moms has increased substantially in the past year in all categories of use. More than 90 percent of moms surveyed use a mobile device, up 10 percent from 2010. And 44 percent of moms surveyed are using smart phones. Moms are using their mobile devices increasingly as a means of communication with family members. Moms are texting with their spouses 17 percent more than they were a year earlier.”

3.)  XPrintServer – LANTRONIX introduced the xPrintServer wireless printing solution for iPad, iPhone, and iOS devices.  Do you have a lot of pictures/documents/webpages/even email’s on your iPhone or iPad that you wish you could easily print?  There’s no need to link up to your computer anymore to print them out.  Just plug in the xPrintServer into your network and you can easily print to up to 10 connected printers (wireless or wired).  No apps or software to download.  The xPrintServer automatically discovers the printers for you.  What a great device for home or the office.  the xPrintServer sells for $149.95 and will be available soon.

USB Desktop Missile Launcher  Techno Granny Personal Favorite

Command a battery of foam missiles via computer or remote Web access.

Launch foam missiles from anywhere! Our USB Desktop Missile Launcherhas a built-in webcam and over-Internet control that make it easy to hit targets at distances up to 25 feet--whether you're in the room, or 6,000 miles away! You can even direct missile assaults remotely, via Skype and MSN messaging programs. Or keep targets guessing, by handing over command capabilities to anyone on your buddy list.

Guaranteed to be both harmless and annoying.
Armed with 4 soft foam missiles, the USB Desktop Missile Launcher pivots and elevates to desired firing angle at your command. After launch, next missile rotates into position. For maximum irritation, activate the missile sound effects--or turn them off for secret missions.

Works with both PCs and Macs!
Click here to download a Mac or PC driver for your USB Desktop Missile Launcher.
Read More

Worried about getting out of the car with baby or kids or getting dirty jumping a dead battery?

Also worried about getting out of the car with baby or kids in it or worse getting your hands dirty, jump starter that works from inside the car.

Read More  Look Ma, No Dirty Hands!

Protect your cell phone, iPod, and any portable electronics, with the BACK2YOU lost item-locating system. This ingenious tag enables the finder of a lost portable electronics to notify the owner by text and email within 5 seconds. 

This set comes with 4 adhesive labels which can be affixed to any valuable items that the owner wishes to protect. It works by sending a message from the finder to the Back2You system, utilizing a code unique to each tag or label. 

No personal information about the owner of the item is disclosed. 

The purchase gives two years membership. The cost from year three is $4.70 per year, and this is for an unlimited amount of tags. Notification of pending expiry is sent two weeks before the end of the two year period. From then onwards it is two weeks before the next expiry every year. 

The objective of the system is to put the owner in tough with the finder of the lost item so that they can commence the recovery process. The owner receives a text and an e mail to advise them that a finder has made contact. The text instructs the owner to log into the members area of the web site. Here they pick tag status and it will show which tag has been located and the details of the person who has located the item. The owner the contacts the finder it is down to the owner as to how much information they disclose