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Monday, November 29, 2010

Techno Granny Show Notes, StartUpsAcrossAmerica, September 6, 2010

Hosted by: technogranny
Title: Techno Granny,
Time: 09/06/2010 10:00 AM EDT
Episode Notes: TechnoGranny is on holiday time this week since our guest Ruth Hedges of is a Californian and I hated to ask her to get up at 4AM Pacific time to do our normal 7 AM show............................. Periodically we review websites and this one hooks up StartUps with Potential Investors----Geographically! Have you business owners heard, "There's money out there, you've just got to find it?" Well Ruth has put a roadmap online for you to use. ........................ Hear why StartUpsAcrossAmerica and FundingRoadmap will help you think outside the box and "put you on the map."--literally! ...................... P.S. Next week TechnoGranny will be back at that unearthly hour of 7 AM.

Stand up and be counted.

"Give us your fired, your under-funded start-ups, your huddled masses of innovative entrepreneurs yearning for access to capital. The wretched refuse of your economically broken shores. Send us the Twitters, the LinkedIn and Facebook tempest-tossed pioneers fighting to claim their piece of the American dream and let them stake a claim on the Startups Across America map, so we can all walk through the golden door."    -Ruth E. Hedges (with help from Emma Lazarus)
© 2009 Unismart Capital Software Inc. All Rights Reserve is the first entrepreneurial map of the United States, where startups can stand up and be counted. "As it grows it will detail the number of startups in each state and the funding they need to launch. By highlighting the numbers and listing the actual enterprises seeking funds, we intend to help level the playing field for access to capital," said Ruth Hedges, CEO of Unismart Capital Software Inc. 
While spotlighting the innovation, imagination and self determination that abounds among this country's entrepreneurs, the Startups Across America map and its listings intend to give investors, community leaders, and other finance-related decision makers a keener understanding of the real dollars needed, state-by-state, for these new enterprises to succeed. "We encourage every startup to register and stake their claim on the map to bring attention to their efforts individually and collectively," says Hedges.
 The interactive map is being launched in response to lean times for start-up capital. Although start-ups contribute profoundly to job creation, the economic meltdown and the resulting recession have dried up seed capital for such ventures. 
 Hedges hopes the map will inspire wealthy Americans who may never have invested in early stage startups to discover the volume and depth of investment opportunities across the country and to invest as way to contribute to economic recovery.
 "While Americans currently have 3.7 trillion dollars sitting on the sidelines in money market accounts, countless brilliant ideas, technology, research and innovation have been squandered for lack of investment, with ongoing consequences for our health, our economy and our society” says Hedges, "we need to encourage investment in entrepreneurs and innovation in every way possible and provide a fast track system to launch viable new ventures."
 "The Startup America map allows us to see where startups are located, how much capital they need and what they will do with the funding, so investors can find, research and make sound investments. An interactive picture of the entrepreneurial landscape can help to proliferate reality-based economic activity and renewed prosperity for everyone," says Hedges.
It can be argued that the ambition and innovation of our entrepreneurs are keys to rebuilding the nation's economy. With more than 15 million Americans unemployed and vying for a scarce number of jobs, entrepreneurship is the crucial means for growing our economy — locally and nationally.
 It's one thing to believe in "the American dream," the challenge is to fund and facilitate it in the real economy.  This project is to encourage private investors to power a resurgence of small business development in America by backing the creation of new ventures.
More than one new business is born every minute. In 2009 business startups reached their highest level in 14 years – even exceeding the number of startups created during the peak of the dot-com heyday. Unfortunately the under-funding of too many of these businesses prevents them from getting safely off the ground, resulting in lost innovation, revenue and job creation, a national crisis we are paying for now more than at any other time in our nation's history.  
As Pulitzer Prize winning NY times columnist Thomas Friedman said: "We owe our young people something better — and the solution is not that complicated, although it is amazing how little it is discussed in the Washington policy debates. We need three things: start-ups, start-ups and more start-ups."
"We couldn't agree more. So to be able to see who these entrepreneurs are, where they are, and how much capital they need to launch and succeed, we decided to build a digital map showcasing Startups Across America. Now anyone launching a new company in the USA can stake their claim for a piece of the American Dream on the map and broadcast their funding needs to a nation of possible investors," said Hedges.
 The number of start-ups and the funding dollars they are trying to raise will be totaled by state and showcased on the map so everyone can see where the opportunities are and the money is needed. We can no longer wait for or depend on conventional forms of capitalization, i.e. small business loans, angel and venture capital to provide access to capital to get us out of the economic crisis. Last year the number of applicants who got venture or angel capital was shockingly low, and too many great ideas, products and inventions never saw the light of day. We must provide another option.
 To achieve a more level playing field for access to capital, wealthy individuals need to take a more active role investing in entrepreneurship and innovation to help rebuild the American economy. But they can't do that if they don't know where the need is, where the pioneers are, and how much capital entrepreneurs need to launch and succeed. And we need to remove certain regulatory roadblocks that for too long have limited access to investment.
 We hope entrepreneurs everywhere will join our campaign and encourage startups to sign up onto the map as a first step in a new process to create an expanded flow of investment capital and a new way of clearly seeing the promising Startups Across America.
For information contact 877-780-8955
 © 2010 Unismart Capital Software Inc. All Rights Reserved is the first entrepreneurial map of the United States, where startups can stand up and be counted. “As it grows it will detail the number of startups in each state and the funding they need to launch. By highlighting the numbers and listing the actual enterprises seeking funds, we intend to help level the playing field for access to capital,” said Ruth Hedges, CEO of Unismart Capital Software Inc.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Techno Granny, Business Help Outside Your House From Home

Title: Techno Granny, Business Help Outside Your House From Home

Time: 11/22/2010 10:00 AM EST
Listen at:
Episode Notes: So you have a small business and it's getting larger but you still don't want to get an office, hire a staff, pay employee taxes. Why can't you get help that is an independent contractor that will take the load off you, help you build your business and not have to "hire an employee." You can!
Joyce Kane of CybertaryInc, a bonded virtual assistant, will talk about tools that your virtual admin, your intern, your partners can use to increase efficiency, but down on overload and allow you to do what you do best, grow your business. 
Topics for discussion, Tools Joyce uses as a virtual administrative assistant to help her clients:

·         LogMeIn Ã-- remote access
·         YouSendIt--large file transfer(Also check out TechnoGrannyShow, "Send that File, Is that a Coffee Job?")
·         SurveyMonkey ----Marketing/Surveys
·         Doodle------ Scheduling, polls
·         Google Docs
·         Istockphoto and dreamstime ----free or low cost images for  use on advertisements, brochures, etc.
·         Sticky Notes-------Windows 7 (I think may also be available in  Vista.
·         Carbonite - backup (nominal fee monthly).
·         . Express Conference -----conference calls

Some that she just heard about at 5th Annual Pa Business Technology Conference and plans to try out: Snippy---easy screen capture.................................... Zoho---Organization and collaboration.....................................(There is also a whole show buried in TechnoGranny comparing Zoho and Dogpile--alternative search engine................................................ Checkvist-- to do list......................................................Also you can find the crib notes on this show at: Don't forget to vote for the blog and follow it to get updates.

Joyce uses these tools to support her clients virtually.  Some of the tools/tech tips are (most are free):

Show notes from Joyce

Joyce Kane is the owner of Cybertary, a Virtual Assistant service company.  Joyce decided to start her own business a little over a year ago when she was laid off from her corporate position as Senior Director of IT Infrastructure Management for a large financial institution here in the city.  She spent over 30 years in IT and Telecommunications management for such diverse corporations as USAirways and Verizon, in roles spanning Sales and Business Development to internal Operations Support of technologies.  She decided to start Cybertary Pittsburgh because it offered a balance between technology, operational support of small businesses, consulting services and people management – all skills that she has honed in her professional career.
LogMeIn – a free tool that enables us to access a client’s computer remotely via a 256 bit SSL encrypted, double password protected connection. It is similar to PCAnywhere, GoToMyPC, or Windows Remote Desktop Connection.
YouSendIt – is a free tool that allows Cybertary to send large files.  Oftentimes, there are restrictions on the size of files that can be attached via email, for example.  You send it allows for file sizes – large Powerpoint presentations with embedded video transfer or PDF’s with images can be quite large, greater than 5MB which is typically the restriction set with emails, especially corporate systems.
SurveyMonkey –  a tool that is useful for Marketing and Surveys.  If one of our clients wants to hold a users meeting and is interested in topics for the agenda, they can send out a survey to their customers to vote on topics that would most interest them.
Doodle –  allows us to propose a time across a group, or schedule a meeting for a group of people at a time when most, if not all, can attend.  It is more efficient than sending emails back and forth to find a good time.
Google Docs – Google offers an alternative to Microsoft office productivity software, including spreadsheet, document preparation and presentations.  You need a gmail account.  One of our clients, a MAC user, generated his contact list via Google spreadsheet that we used for a prospecting campaign, for example.
Istockphoto and dreamstime – free or low cost images for use in Newsletters, blogs, etc.  Pictures help to drive home the message of the text.
Sticky Notes – Windows 7 (I think may also be available in Vista) – an electronic Post-It note.  I am a list person and this is helpful as a tickler for my To-Do list.
Carbonite  - backup of files for a nominal fee monthly (less than $60/year).  With my IT background, I have a belt and suspenders approach to technology.  I use Carbonite as an online backup tool as well as a local external drive.  You can never be too safe.    Mozy is a similar tool.
Express Conference – Allows for Multiparty conference calls with call recording and feedback on number of attendees, duration of the call etc.
Some that I just heard about and plan to try out:
Snippy – easy screen capture – an online clipping capability instead of cut/paste or alt/printscreen to capture error messages or content more easily
Zoho – a broad portfolio of internet based applications spanning organization, collaboration business and productivity applications.
Dogpile – alternative search engine. 
Checkvist – a shareable to do list
Most of these tools are free or relatively low cost.  They may also have chargeable versions that allow for more capacity or options beyond what the free versions offer.

LogMeIn – remote access
YouSendIt – large file transfer
SurveyMonkey – Marketing/Surveys
Doodle – Scheduling, polls
Google Docs
Istockphoto and dreamstime – free or low cost images for use
Sticky Notes – Windows 7 (I think may also be available in Vista
Carbonite  - backup (nominal fee monthly)
Express Conference – conference calls

Some that I just heard about and plan to try out:
Snippy – easy screen capture
Zoho – Organization and collaboration
Dogpile – alternative search engine
Checkvist – to do list

Is this what you were looking for?  If not, let me know.  I also have some others.

Where am I supposed to be and what is the access to the show?  Let me know, please.

Have a great weekend.

Warmest Regards,
Joyce Kane

Joyce Kane
1525 Park Manor Boulevard, Suite 266
Pittsburgh, PA 15205

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Listener Appreciation Seminar, QR Codes

See side bar on right of this blog to register and pay with PayPal.
Save by registering for both 11-10 QR "Code Banquet "and 11-20-10 Seminar, "Create Online Platform to Sell Anything