Techno Granny Show blog is an additional way for Techno Granny Talk Cast fans to keep up with Techno Granny. She is a 61 year old single grandmother who also hosts four Talk Casts on the Talk Shoe network. The Techno Granny show is designed to bring baby boomers and others up to snuff with 21st Century technology. TechnoGranny Talks is more than that, it is technology finds and opinions of a tech savvy grandmother who is a power user of technology.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Techno Granny Show, Text Marketing--What Can It do for You? 8-09-10
Title: Techno Granny, TExt Marketing--What Can It do for You?
Time: 08/09/2010 07:00 AM EDT
Episode Notes: An inexpensive resource to market your business or more spam in your prospects text messages? .......... There is something to being first to market in any field. ............. Cutting edge technology is being combined with reallife list expansion. ............. You owe it to yourself to find out at least what it is and how it is used?..........Guest, Curtis Brown, Jireh Mobile...........You can listen to a brief call in preview on Monday Morning Marketeer at: http://tinyurl.com/MondayMorningMarketeer or http://pplmag.com................................ Next week's guest from TechHelp2You will be telling you about the miracles you can perform with Google Voice
Curtis and Cassandra Brown
Mobile Marketing Solutions Provider
Jireh Mobile
P O Box 003
Verona, PA 15147
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Sunday, August 8, 2010
TEchnoGrannyShow, Crockpot Technology 11-02-09
Title: Techno Granny, updates 21st Century Tech, Crockpot Technology
Time: 11/02/2009 07:00 AM EST
Episode Notes: Yes, you heard it from TechnoGranny, Crock Pot Technology and I ain't takin' it back either. Don't know about the rest of you but any appliance that makes my life easier is great technology. Chef Patti is the owner of What's for Dinner and also has started an e-mail distribution called the CrockPot Club with a new and different crock pot recipe daily and they are yummy! Here some great tips on CrockPotCooking. EPISODE128 -
Listen to archive at: http://tinyurl.com/TechnoGrannyShow
http://pplmag.com/ on TechnoGranny's syndicated Pittsburgh Internet Radio Show.
Right here on the blog at: http://technogrannyshow.com/
Join Duquesne University Small Business Development Center for the 4th Annual PA Business Technology Conference on November 12th. Become Tech-
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Patti Brown, owner of
Dinner is Served!
has worked in the restaurant industry and been cooking for family and friends for over 20 years. Chef Patti also collaborates with Pat Greenfield, owner of Grico's Restaurant in Exeter, for larger parties and special occasions.
Chef Patti's specialty is Italian cooking with a concentration in heart healthy meals. Chef Patti is also a Certified ServSafe Food Safety Manager and President of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) www.nenawbo.com
Chef Patti provides a free consultation to assess your eating habits, likes, dislikes and dietary needs. "Together we will create a healthy and delicious menu for you and your family".
Recipient, NEPA Business Journal's "Top 25 Women in Business" award 2009
Recipient, NEPA Business Journal's "Top 25 Women in Business" award 2009
Yes, I am available for that date…..If you go to my website: www.dinner-is-served.net All the things you need are there……the only other “bio” thing you might want to know is that I started this business after I had a heart attack 6 years ago (in the Bahamas, died on the table)…..that is a whole story in itself!
As for NAWBO, I am in my 4th year as President (don’t ask)…..you get our emails so there should be enough in there to use…..let me know if you need anything else!
WELCOME! to the Crock Pot Club! If you are new to the club, here is how it works! Each week you will receive a crock pot recipe that I have made for my clients…..some will be VERY easy, some a little more involved…the idea is to prep the ingredients, put the crock in the fridge..then one morning when you know you will have a busy day…pop the crock into the pot, turn it on and come home to a delicious dinner ready for you to enjoy…If you don’t already own a crockpot, I suggest buying the: Rival Oval Programmable Stainless Steel Crock Pot……it is available at Macys or you can buy it online at Amazon.com
Chef Patti Brown
Dinner is Served!
Is "What's for Dinner?" the most stressful question of your day? Do you hate grocery shopping, have no time to cook and want to spend less time in the kitchen and more time doing things you enjoy? Imagine coming home to a delicious dinner prepared with the freshest ingredients and customized for you and your family. Best yet, it will be ready in minutes!
"Hiring a Personal Chef to make part of your life more manageable is no different from hiring a cleaning service to help keep your home tidy. For some people it is a necessity, for others it is a helping hand that can make day to day life more enjoyable"!
Other Services: Cooking lessons, special dietary needs, pantry & kitchen organization, cocktail & dinner parties.
A Personal Chef service is the solution to "What's for dinner?" If you are tired of take-out food, hate to cook or don't have the time to cook, Dinner is Served! does it all for you. Planning, shopping for and cooking healthy and delicious meals that you can eat at your convenience is all part of the Personal Chef experience. Imagine the answer to the "What's for dinner" question is already prepared and waiting for you to heat it and enjoy a relaxing meal in the comfort of your own home.
Menus are tailored to your likes, dislikes and special dietary needs. Gift Certificates are available as a Personal Chef service makes a wonderful gift for new parents, post surgery patients, persons on special diets or anyone who wants a break from cooking!
My business is called: Dinner is Served!
Started: August 2005
What I do: I am a Personal Chef who prepares weekly meals for clients at their homes....small scale parties....sit-down dinners...cooking lessons...kitchen organization..I also work at
a friends restaurant on Saturday nights which satisfies by "restaurant fever" and helps me to learn new skills and food from one of the Culinary trained Chef's who has worked there over
20 years.
How the crockpot club was started: I am President of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) of NEPA....listened to women business owners complain
that they had no time to get a healthy, good tasting meal on the table.....when I first mentioned crockpot cooking, several said they tried it but the recipes were not great or too
complicated...since I use my crockpot alot and also use it for clients meals I decided to send them recipes I have tried.....the club started out with about 20 members, it now has over
200 and is growing everyday....the recipes are being featured in a local magazine which is generating even more "business".
What people think about crockpots: Most people think of them as "old fashioned cooking" meaning poor cuts of meat that are overcooked and flavorless....with the dawn of the internet
there are thousands of crockpot recipes that are "upscale" and healthy...the secret is to find the "good ones"...sometimes it is just knowing what ingredients work together and others
it is trying a recipe once and then adjusting it as needed......
A good hint: If you try meal at a restaurant and love it......look for a crockpot version online.....example: Chicken Marbella.....I prepared it for a meal at the restaurant I work at and loved it so
much that I found a crockpot version that is fantastic.
Tips: Purchase ingredients ahead of time....prep and place in removable crock, put in fridge....pop it into the cook base on the day you need it
Casseroles, roasts and yes, even lasagna can be made in your crockpot...meatloaf is great also!
Types to purchase: My favorite, the Rival Programmable Slow-Cooker....you can buy it everywhere....let's you program cooking time
Best place to get recipes: Online sites such as Epicurious.com....or ingredient sites like Campbells....Kraft...etc. Wegmans.com is my favorite
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