This show was originally recorded on January 5, 2009 on the Talk Shoe Network and can be accessed at: or at on Techno Granny Show™ unique channel.
Techno Granny Show™; Techno Granny™ on Techno Resolutions for 2009
You have resolutions to lose weight, make more money, get organized, spend less money, and do more business. Except for losing weight, I believe I have covered resolutions that will help you with most of these. Who knows if you are calmer, less stressed, better protected and more organized, maybe you will lose weight too! These are Techno Granny Suggestions for New Year’s Resolutions that you can keep and use.
1. Deal with Spam:
Monty Python has done comedy sketches on Spam, which refer specifically to the meat, which is a canned product put out by Hormel. Since then, many other uses of the term have emerged and spam on the internet is no joke. The most likely definition is undesirable and/or unsolicited e-mail in your in box, on your mobile phone, on your forum, blogs, wikis or guest books.
These are just two ways to deal with spam that will not cost you anything, I am for free, and one is Adaware available at:
You can also Remove spyware with SPYWAREfighter—only 30 Days for free that I can see!
If your computer started to suddenly slow down or do you begin to see pop-up windows, even when you're not browsing the Internet? You may be the victim of spyware or other unwanted software. For additional info: Techno Granny Show, Fighting Spam--Is this a Canned Show? 1-14-2008
2. Get Content Management for Your Website:
Robert Faletti, Blue Archer talked about websites He discussed: Key words, page titles, content; Key words on every page. He also stressed that content must be relevant, which means updating.
Robert Faletti recommends leave behind content management—no programming experience needed. Robert Faletti discusses why he would essentially engage in this arena when it precludes his company going back to maintain the website. Clients are so pleased that they give him plenty of referrals because of the money he saves them on updating.
Additional info at: Techno Granny Show, No Website? Robert Faletti, Blue Archer on Launch Options, 12-24-2007
3. Clean the crap off your computer! Lots of stuff comes with computer, also are there files you don’t need? As you begin to use the computer and acquire your own files, this could slow your computer down. Also take the time once a month to clean off files you have no need to save.
Additional info at: Techno Granny Show, Crap that You Can Clean off Your Computer, July 14, 2008. Tammy Greene of TJ's Custom Computers talks about preinstalled Bloatware that you can eliminate from your computer.
4. Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft: Identity theft both on line and off is no joke. Hackers may use sites that you trust and impersonate their links and pages to get your pass codes and valuable information. Others may offer you business deals and big winnings. Don’t open e-mails like this even from trusted sites. Most of the sites that you have subscribed to like Pay Pal and even your service provider will have a message or notice section where you can log in with your pass code and get any messages or information you need. Read the statement you agree to, it will tell you that most of these sites will never e-mail you to ask you to update your pass code. Also guard your information when using public Wi-Fi.
Additional info: June 9, Greer Stasko, Pre Paid Legal June 30, 2008
5. Use Technology instead of travel: In the current economy lifestyles change and business travel is costly. There is technology that you can use as an alternative: Webinars, Go to Meeting, Conference Calls, and Web Cam meetings. You can actually have webcam meetings on free services like Mogulus. Dig out that web cam your kids gave you two Christmases ago and learn how to use it. Just a few tips to try: Video Conferencing; Work Via your private network, work via a video conferencing service or facility, Use an on line presentation, Try Audio Teleconferencing, Give an On Line Presentation.
Additional tips discussed on Techno Granny Show, Technical Tactics as Alternatives to Business Travel, June 2, 2008, Author Julie Christie
6. Use Less Gasoline: Yes, the price of gasoline has gone down but for how long and have you thought about the little thing called supply and demand.
Some tips:
· Replace air and fuel filters regularly as instructed by your vehicle’s maintenance manual; change air filter more often if driving in dusty conditions.
· Do not use mid-grade or premium grade gasoline unless specified for your vehicle. Older vehicles may require these grades to avoid "knock" which reduces power and may damage the engine
· Do not rev engine before shutting it off; this wastes fuel and can dilute motor oil, leading to excessive wear on engine parts.
· Remove extra weight from the car; 100 extra pounds may cost 1 mpg. Pack lightly for trips.
Additional tips on Techno Granny Show, Tips on Gasoline Mileage and Fuel Economy, 5-26-2008
7. Take Advantage of Free Stuff you can get on line: Techno Granny Show, Free tech stuff by Two Tech Divas, 4-14-2008 and also 3-3-2008, Techno Granny, PDF on Line Converter, Free 800 Calls, Linked In, Twitter, Open Source Downloads,
8. Protect Your computer from viruses:
· No antivirus program is 100 accurate so doing regular backups are critical. Because of Trojan Horses you need to run a scan at a minimum once a week but ideally daily.
· Ensure your operating system is up to date with essential security patches.
· install a firewall (windows has a firewall and also routers come with a firewall)
· What to look for in antivirus software (user-friendly and effectiveness)
· No excuse for not having virusware and spyware when you can get it for free. Check out:
· Techno Granny Show, Free Virus Ware and Spyware 10-6-2008, Sue Tresatti, Taylored Solutions
9. Dedicate some time to raising your on line identity, if nothing else use your local search engines like Merchant Circle and Open Directory. Techno Granny Show, How to Raise Your On Line Visibility, 3-10-2008
10. Learn to Manipulate RSS Feeds: From Wikipedia about the guy who pretty much made RSS happen:
Dave Winer (born May 2, 1955 in Brooklyn, New York City, USA) is an American software developer and entrepreneur in Berkeley, California. A pioneer in the areas of RSS (Really Simple Syndication). Check him out on Wikipedia and also learn how to get your information out there without driving yourself crazy. Get a start on the topic by listening to: Techno Granny Show, RSS Feeds, Breakfast or Lunch? Gutzy, 2-11-2008 Also 7-28-2008, Techno Granny and the late Carl Weisbrad
Summary: All of this technology is out there for a reason, because someone figured out a way to make things easier, cheaper, quicker and more effective. Now your mission should you choose to accept it is to make some resolutions to use it to simplify your life, improve your business and add to the quality of your fast paced existence.
This blog can reproduced in its entirety with the following information:
© Joanne Quinn-Smith, 2009, Techno Granny Show™.
Blog at:
e-mail: infoattechnogrannyshowdotcom
Techno Granny Show blog is an additional way for Techno Granny Talk Cast fans to keep up with Techno Granny. She is a 61 year old single grandmother who also hosts four Talk Casts on the Talk Shoe network. The Techno Granny show is designed to bring baby boomers and others up to snuff with 21st Century technology. TechnoGranny Talks is more than that, it is technology finds and opinions of a tech savvy grandmother who is a power user of technology.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
TechnoGrannyShow, CNN IReports, Franco Carapellotti and Zach Hawrot
This show was originally recorded on 12-29-08 and the archived version is available at: or, a user-generated site where the stories come from users. CNN has vetted only the stories marked "On CNN" and uses those stories in CNN's news coverage. And that's what you'll find on I Report:: a few of the ways the vetted iReports have been used on CNN. Upload your story » | See all iReports, unedited and unfiltered »
Fresh Picks of the Week
Icelandic New Years, just pix
Visiting Grandma and Grandpa in St. George, Ontario, Canada (making snowmen, snow reindeer, getting into hot tub in the snow
Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
Nutcracker Vienna
Under the Boardwalk in Winter
Wintry Weather in Prague, Checkoslovakia
Bios of Winners of Film Festival for Political Videos
Franco Carapellotti: 20 year old college student from Steubenville, Ohio. Atteneds John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio where he is majoring in Business Management. A graduate of Steubenville Catholic Central high school in 2006.
Zach Hawrot: 21 year old college student from Steubenville, Ohio. Attends Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio where he is majoring in Business Marketing. He is also a graduate of Steubenville Catholic Central high school in 2006.
Both: We have been making small short films for the past year or so, and we've acted, directed, produced, and written every single one of them, and Electoral College is the first to be recognized on the National scene. Lately we have been in talks with Don Lemon, from the CNN Newsroom, about making some short films for his show, and tonight (Decemeber 7, 2008) we actually might be appearing on the she show at 6 or 11, for a short film we had just made him. We were named winners of the "CNN Audience Award which was voted on by all of America, and won us a trip to Washington D.C. for the inauguration. Recently we were in Pittsburgh for an interview with CNN, for a year end special they are doing on the iReports.
Information Regarding CNN iReport is a user-generated site. That means the stories submitted by users are not edited, fact-checked or screened before they post. Only the stories marked "On CNN" have been vetted by CNN for use in CNN's global news coverage.They built this site and equipped it with some nifty tools for posting, discovering and talking about what you think makes the news.The site states that they want to share their passion about the news in a way that invites you -- and everyone else -- to share your passion about the news. Basically So basically CNN launched an independent world where the iReport community, can tell the stories we're not used to seeing, and may not see on the news. And the most compelling, important, and urgent ones may get seen on CNN.
THE FILM FESTIVAL: The film festival from iReport was something they did in wake of the 2008 Presidential election. They put a call out to all filmmakers to put their spin on a story about the election, and submit it. They took the top 20, and it went to an online vote. Prior to this vote, we actually got to go to the Hampton's International Film Festival in New York, where they screened our film, along with about 9 others from the competition. After that when it went to online vote, we were lucky enough to win with the support from our Community of Steubenville, Ohio, a group of about 1,200 friends in a Facebook group, and from support at our local schools.
The Inauguration: We are not 100% sure what we will be doing for CNN, but the Executive Producer that we have become friends with informed us that we would be doing something for CNN, whether it is a legit report for the CNN Channel, or an iReport, which may get on CNN eventually. We know we will be staying on Capitol Hill, and we are planning on getting in touch with some other organization where we can see if we could do something for them while we are there, if we aren't doing too much for CNN.
Lots of people argue about what constitutes news. But, really, it's just something that happens someplace to someone. Whether that something is newsworthy mostly depends on who it affects -- and who's making the decision. On, that is you! So we've built this site and equipped it with some nifty tools for posting, discovering and talking about what you think makes the cut.
Use the tools you find here to share and talk about the news of your world, whether that's video and photos of the events of your life, or your own take on what's making international headlines. Or, even better, a little bit of both.
With this site, we want to share our passion about the news in a way that invites you -- and everyone else -- to share your passion about the news. At CNN we live for news. We love talking about it. And we know that there's a whole lot more to it than what you see on TV or read on your favorite Web site. So we've launched an independent world where you, the community, tell the stories we're not used to seeing. And the most compelling, important, and urgent ones may get seen on CNN.
So head on over the homepage and jump in. Tell your story and see how it connects to someone on the other side of the world -- and build a new kind of news site, one made from communities of shared interests, impassioned discussions and great storytelling."
As for the Facebook group, we actually started in the night we were in the hamptons, screening the film at the Hamptons International Film Festival as part of the CNN Shorts. We started out by adding all of our friends, and having them add their friends, and in about 2 or 3 days we were up well over 1,000 people. We used the group to send out mass messages to the people urging them to vote, and have their friends vote. Also we developed a nice support back home in Steubenville, as the local news station, and news papers covered us and the contest, also urging people to vote. We think that a combination of these two factors is what played a major role in us winning the online voting. In addition to these two things, the school that I currently attend, John Carroll University, had linked the site on their main page, and also mentioned it in a mass email.
We have been pretty much left in the dark about what exactly we will be doing at the inauguration but here is what we know so far.
* We arrive in Washington January 19 and Leave on January 21.
* We will be staying with other CNN Personalities in the hotel at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill. (Not sure who exactly we will be there from CNN, but some of the names we've heard are Larry King and Anderson Cooper
* We have media credentials for the Parade Route
* We will be doing another "iReport" for CNN, and are also hoping to talk to some local news stations as well as a few people on CNN, to see if we can do anything for them while we are there.
They did a year end special on the iReport, it focused on the years top stories. At the end of the show they talked about the film festival and showed clips of our film and a shot of us talking. It is airing again tonight at 8:00 PM on CNN, we aren't til the end so if you are interested in watching, I would tune to CNN at about 8:50ish. Also what time would you like us to call in for the test tomorrow?
Franco Carpellotti,
ZF Productions, a user-generated site where the stories come from users. CNN has vetted only the stories marked "On CNN" and uses those stories in CNN's news coverage. And that's what you'll find on I Report:: a few of the ways the vetted iReports have been used on CNN. Upload your story » | See all iReports, unedited and unfiltered »
Fresh Picks of the Week
Icelandic New Years, just pix
Visiting Grandma and Grandpa in St. George, Ontario, Canada (making snowmen, snow reindeer, getting into hot tub in the snow
Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
Nutcracker Vienna
Under the Boardwalk in Winter
Wintry Weather in Prague, Checkoslovakia
Bios of Winners of Film Festival for Political Videos
Franco Carapellotti: 20 year old college student from Steubenville, Ohio. Atteneds John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio where he is majoring in Business Management. A graduate of Steubenville Catholic Central high school in 2006.
Zach Hawrot: 21 year old college student from Steubenville, Ohio. Attends Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio where he is majoring in Business Marketing. He is also a graduate of Steubenville Catholic Central high school in 2006.
Both: We have been making small short films for the past year or so, and we've acted, directed, produced, and written every single one of them, and Electoral College is the first to be recognized on the National scene. Lately we have been in talks with Don Lemon, from the CNN Newsroom, about making some short films for his show, and tonight (Decemeber 7, 2008) we actually might be appearing on the she show at 6 or 11, for a short film we had just made him. We were named winners of the "CNN Audience Award which was voted on by all of America, and won us a trip to Washington D.C. for the inauguration. Recently we were in Pittsburgh for an interview with CNN, for a year end special they are doing on the iReports.
Information Regarding CNN iReport is a user-generated site. That means the stories submitted by users are not edited, fact-checked or screened before they post. Only the stories marked "On CNN" have been vetted by CNN for use in CNN's global news coverage.They built this site and equipped it with some nifty tools for posting, discovering and talking about what you think makes the news.The site states that they want to share their passion about the news in a way that invites you -- and everyone else -- to share your passion about the news. Basically So basically CNN launched an independent world where the iReport community, can tell the stories we're not used to seeing, and may not see on the news. And the most compelling, important, and urgent ones may get seen on CNN.
THE FILM FESTIVAL: The film festival from iReport was something they did in wake of the 2008 Presidential election. They put a call out to all filmmakers to put their spin on a story about the election, and submit it. They took the top 20, and it went to an online vote. Prior to this vote, we actually got to go to the Hampton's International Film Festival in New York, where they screened our film, along with about 9 others from the competition. After that when it went to online vote, we were lucky enough to win with the support from our Community of Steubenville, Ohio, a group of about 1,200 friends in a Facebook group, and from support at our local schools.
The Inauguration: We are not 100% sure what we will be doing for CNN, but the Executive Producer that we have become friends with informed us that we would be doing something for CNN, whether it is a legit report for the CNN Channel, or an iReport, which may get on CNN eventually. We know we will be staying on Capitol Hill, and we are planning on getting in touch with some other organization where we can see if we could do something for them while we are there, if we aren't doing too much for CNN.
Lots of people argue about what constitutes news. But, really, it's just something that happens someplace to someone. Whether that something is newsworthy mostly depends on who it affects -- and who's making the decision. On, that is you! So we've built this site and equipped it with some nifty tools for posting, discovering and talking about what you think makes the cut.
Use the tools you find here to share and talk about the news of your world, whether that's video and photos of the events of your life, or your own take on what's making international headlines. Or, even better, a little bit of both.
With this site, we want to share our passion about the news in a way that invites you -- and everyone else -- to share your passion about the news. At CNN we live for news. We love talking about it. And we know that there's a whole lot more to it than what you see on TV or read on your favorite Web site. So we've launched an independent world where you, the community, tell the stories we're not used to seeing. And the most compelling, important, and urgent ones may get seen on CNN.
So head on over the homepage and jump in. Tell your story and see how it connects to someone on the other side of the world -- and build a new kind of news site, one made from communities of shared interests, impassioned discussions and great storytelling."
As for the Facebook group, we actually started in the night we were in the hamptons, screening the film at the Hamptons International Film Festival as part of the CNN Shorts. We started out by adding all of our friends, and having them add their friends, and in about 2 or 3 days we were up well over 1,000 people. We used the group to send out mass messages to the people urging them to vote, and have their friends vote. Also we developed a nice support back home in Steubenville, as the local news station, and news papers covered us and the contest, also urging people to vote. We think that a combination of these two factors is what played a major role in us winning the online voting. In addition to these two things, the school that I currently attend, John Carroll University, had linked the site on their main page, and also mentioned it in a mass email.
We have been pretty much left in the dark about what exactly we will be doing at the inauguration but here is what we know so far.
* We arrive in Washington January 19 and Leave on January 21.
* We will be staying with other CNN Personalities in the hotel at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill. (Not sure who exactly we will be there from CNN, but some of the names we've heard are Larry King and Anderson Cooper
* We have media credentials for the Parade Route
* We will be doing another "iReport" for CNN, and are also hoping to talk to some local news stations as well as a few people on CNN, to see if we can do anything for them while we are there.
They did a year end special on the iReport, it focused on the years top stories. At the end of the show they talked about the film festival and showed clips of our film and a shot of us talking. It is airing again tonight at 8:00 PM on CNN, we aren't til the end so if you are interested in watching, I would tune to CNN at about 8:50ish. Also what time would you like us to call in for the test tomorrow?
Franco Carpellotti,
ZF Productions
Thursday, January 1, 2009
TEchno Granny Show, 21st Century Technology, Buzzen, On line Coaching
This show was recorded on 12-22-08 and is archived at: or on Techno Granny Show unique channel at:
BuzZen is the Law of Attraction meets Girls Night Out. We provide products and services that empower women to step into their greatness. We do this through the 4 C's: Coaching, Community, Conscious Gifts, and Contribution. Our primary product is The BuzZen Box which is a creative system of games to give women more "Aha" moments, more insight, more connection with other women and their own spirit. The Buzzen Box was selected to be in the Oscar Goody bags in 2008. Our primary intention is to raise the consciousness of the planet.
Jody England is the Co-Founder and Donna Fleetwood is Head "Beekeeper"
Company Overview:
BuzZen is the marriage of two terms:
Buzz: A feeling of intense enthusiasm, excitement, or exhilaration.
Zen: Emphasizes enlightenment by the most direct possible means. Asserts that enlightenment can be obtained through meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition.
Company Mission:To raise the consciousness level of the planet.
To inspire women to intentionally create lives that are worthy of their true potential. We provide products and services that guide and support the recognition of women’s personal power and foster the joy of sisterhood.
BuzZen is a company that is founded on the principles of contribution and inclusion. We have created BuzZen to appeal to women of all backgrounds, religions and ethnicities and welcome one and all. Through connecting at our deepest level of “sister”, we are all empowered and enriched.
Product: The Buzzen Box- Imagine a 16 week process of creative games to keep you focused and present on a daily basis to everything that is amazing in your life. Each week there is a new game to play on a deep level with 4-6 other women. The Buzzen Box games provide insight, aha moments, and a way to grow in your spirit, relationships, and self awareness. The BuzZen Box is on sale right now at $99 (Thats $25 per participant!). In the box each woman gets Jody's book, "Attraction Actions" which details the games, a deck of Sweeten Your Life Cards, A Buzz Builder CD, and an instructional DVD. In addition, everyone is invited to be on our weekly motivational calls.
Teleclass- Jody and I just finished and recorded a teleclass called "Get Your Business Buzzen" to counteract all the doom and gloom out there. We recorded it and packaged it, so anyone who is feeling fear right now about the market can have a powerful mindset program to listen to. We give practical games and practices to clear out the fear that is paralyzing to some businesswomen.
The Hive - The online Buzzen community. The hive has discussion boards, inspirational blogs and videos, articles, and Buzzen announcements.
BuzZen is the Law of Attraction meets Girls Night Out. We provide products and services that empower women to step into their greatness. We do this through the 4 C's: Coaching, Community, Conscious Gifts, and Contribution. Our primary product is The BuzZen Box which is a creative system of games to give women more "Aha" moments, more insight, more connection with other women and their own spirit. The Buzzen Box was selected to be in the Oscar Goody bags in 2008. Our primary intention is to raise the consciousness of the planet.
Jody England is the Co-Founder and Donna Fleetwood is Head "Beekeeper"
Company Overview:
BuzZen is the marriage of two terms:
Buzz: A feeling of intense enthusiasm, excitement, or exhilaration.
Zen: Emphasizes enlightenment by the most direct possible means. Asserts that enlightenment can be obtained through meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition.
Company Mission:To raise the consciousness level of the planet.
To inspire women to intentionally create lives that are worthy of their true potential. We provide products and services that guide and support the recognition of women’s personal power and foster the joy of sisterhood.
BuzZen is a company that is founded on the principles of contribution and inclusion. We have created BuzZen to appeal to women of all backgrounds, religions and ethnicities and welcome one and all. Through connecting at our deepest level of “sister”, we are all empowered and enriched.
Product: The Buzzen Box- Imagine a 16 week process of creative games to keep you focused and present on a daily basis to everything that is amazing in your life. Each week there is a new game to play on a deep level with 4-6 other women. The Buzzen Box games provide insight, aha moments, and a way to grow in your spirit, relationships, and self awareness. The BuzZen Box is on sale right now at $99 (Thats $25 per participant!). In the box each woman gets Jody's book, "Attraction Actions" which details the games, a deck of Sweeten Your Life Cards, A Buzz Builder CD, and an instructional DVD. In addition, everyone is invited to be on our weekly motivational calls.
Teleclass- Jody and I just finished and recorded a teleclass called "Get Your Business Buzzen" to counteract all the doom and gloom out there. We recorded it and packaged it, so anyone who is feeling fear right now about the market can have a powerful mindset program to listen to. We give practical games and practices to clear out the fear that is paralyzing to some businesswomen.
The Hive - The online Buzzen community. The hive has discussion boards, inspirational blogs and videos, articles, and Buzzen announcements.
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