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Monday, September 29, 2008

Techno Granny Show, with David Pond, Development Director

Techno Granny Show blog is an additional way for Techno Granny Talk Cast fans to keep up with Techno Granny. She is a 59 year old single grandmother who also hosts four Talk Casts on the Talk Shoe network. The Techno Granny show is designed to bring baby boomers and others up to snuff with 21st Century technology.
You can listen to Techno Granny Shows and other shows by Techno Granny at our sponsors site:
News by you, for you, about you.
Free source of Positive News and information by Pittsburghers, for Pittsburghers and about Pittsburghers.
Also a cost effective way to advertise in tough times. A business can advertise for launch rate of $400.00 per year. For this they get their own internet radio and TV channel where they can post unlimited audios and videos and not wait for the traditional media to pay attention. Listeners and traffic drivers are over 4,000 listeners to Techno Granny shows and growing. The site is up for one month and of 1.030, 000 search results, is on the first page which means that for a very small amount of money, less than $34.00 a month you can seriously Get Your Google on, locally, nationally and internationally as guess what? Pittsburghers who subscribe, come from all over the world.

David Pond
Business Development -- at SRC, LLC for the last 3 years. I develop strategic online and offline partnerships that drive traffic to our many sites. Work with the development team and various other teams to ensure web projects for which are scoped, designed & delivered. Work in the training and support for our clients.

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Techno Granny Show Host Hosting Panel on Think Ginormous Networking

Techno Granny is Hosting this Panel on September 19, 2008 at 2nd Annual NAWBO Day at Marriott City Center in Pittsburgh, Pa

Ultimate and Global Think Ginormous Networking Panel

Local, regional, national and global networking experts invite you to Think Ginormous about networking. Panel at 9:30 AM as part of 2nd Annual NAWBO Day.

Moderator and Introductions by Joanne Quinn-Smith, Publisher of, on line multi-media community magazine.

Discussion will hi-light:

• Platform, network, relationship and alliance building for successful business
• Value of using more than one medium for building your network
• Referrals
• Organizations and associations,
• On line networking, social media

Jessica, Lee, Host of Entrepreneurial Thursdays, National Recording Artist

• developing your list,
• using resource and supporting partners,
• building of community, exchange of ideas,
• types of strategic alliances

Deanna Tucci Schmitt, Executive Director of BNI Western Pennsylvania

• Why belong to a quality networking organization
• Benefits of a lead generation organization
• making networking year long proposition
• Commitment needed to developing quality leads

Lorin Beller Blake, World Class Entrepreneur and Author

• Turning a book into a coaching paradigm
• training and networking on national level,
• need for extending an on line organization to business owners nationally
• benefits of an on line coaching and support group

Rúna Magnúsdóttir, ACC Executive Coach, Board Les Femmes Mondiale,

• Why Import, export business is a global necessity
• Utility of regional and local strategic partners when doing business internationally,
• making the world smaller thru power of on line networking
• give back provisions to leadership development in Africa and India

Learn how networking has helped their business and organizations
Discover the importance of a multi-faceted approach to business to business networking

Check out other day long events.
additional info at:
or on NAWBO channel