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Monday, April 15, 2013

Prview of Workshop, The Power, Potential & Profit of E-Books

Hosted by: technogranny
Title: Techno Granny, Preview Workshop, Power, Influence, Profit
 E-Book Publishing
Time: 04/15/2013 10:00 AM EDT The Power, Potential & Profit of E-Books Preview of Upcoming Workshop in Pittsburgh...........

Listen to Archived Interview Here 

The Power, Potential & Profit of E-Books
Kontent is King
Online Sites are Looking for Books
to Line Their Virtual Bookshelves
What are you Waiting For?  Always Wanted to be an Author but Concerned About
Time* Expense* Where to Start?* How and Where to Publish?
Who Should Attend:
Anyone who is serious about writing a book and profiting from the insatiable online trend of consumers and E-book publishers for content, content, content.  Your upcoming book could be part of this content.

Exclusive Day long workshop Saturday April 20, 2013 8 AM to 2:30 PM to Answer Questions on
Easy Tools for Writing*ISBN Numbers*Formats for Publishing E-Book*
Book and Speaker Marketing*How to Make Money on Your E-Book*How to Become "the Branded Personality in Your Profession"

Joyce Faulkner,
User Name will Caution You About the Internet
Plus Six Other Title by Joyce Faulkner
Owner Red Engine Press* Immediate Past  President of   7  books?*Ghost writer*Editor *Godmother of Over  500 authors*Award Winning, Income Generating Author
Military Writer's Society of America Author of
Learn:  Nine formats to publish your E-Book*Best Software for Ease of Writing Your Book*
Editing and Design*Promotional Options for Selling Your Book

Joanne Quinn Smith
Blogger*radio host*E-book author*National Small Business Administration Journalist of the Year*
Developer of Web 2.0 Gorilla Branding Training*Award Winning  Platform for  Internet marketing.
Author:  "Folly of the Marketing Plan in Your Head, 101 Compelling Reasons to Write One with K.I.S.S. List"
Learn: Bite Size Writing--Turning Blogs and Broadcasts into an Income Producing Book* Create an Online Platform for Selling Your Book*Create a Speaker Personality That Sells"

JoAnn R. Forrester
Empress of Biz Talkshow Host*Award Winning Entrepreneur for Pricing Advocacy
*SBA Women Business Champion*Pittsburgh Business Times Columnist.*Author "David vs. Goliath Business Workbook", Co-Developer, "Price It Perfect Cost Control Solution.- A CFO in a Box!"
Learn: Pricing to Profit from Your Book*The Value of your Time*What to Charge for workshops, speaking engagements, writing etc.

Tamar Cerafici
Environmental Attorney*Author  DOMINATE:   "How Smart Lawyers CRUSH the Competition"*Dreamroom Moderator*Developer professional marketing program for  "The Lawyer's New Clothes"
Billable Hour Professionals
Learn: How Lawyers and Other Regulated Professionals Can Market Themselves with a Book*How Not to pay $50,000.00 to get it written*How to Go From Sheepskin on the Wall to Social Grafitti about You Everywhere

Only 20 Seats

10 seats already taken in pre-release

Full day workshop includes contintental breakfast and working lunch

$119.00, TechnoGrannyShow with availability through 6 PM Wednesday, 4-17 $99.00

includes Kindle version of E-book from:

  • Joyce Faulkner, one of any of her 7 titles
  • Joanne Quinn-Smith, "Folly of the Marketing Plan in Your Head, 101Compelling Reasons to Write a Marketing Plan for Your Business"
  • Tamar Cerafici,  "Dominate, How Smart Lawyers Crush the Competition"

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Place:  WEEE  620 Island Ave.   Suite 2;  Mc Kees Rocks, Pa 15136, 412-458-1308 
for Directions Only 

To Register Contact:  Joanne Quinn-Smith 412-444-5197

Please bring laptop or Ipad or tablet with internet access to view workshop materials.
Free Wi-Fi Provided

(c) Joanne Quinn-Smith 2013

Joanne Quinn-Smith

2009 National SBA Journalist of the Year
AKA TechnoGranny, Talkcast Host

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Monday, April 8, 2013

TechnoGranny Pre Show Research on Nocturnal Habits of Facebookers

So this is what I discovered in researching this mornings TechnoGrannyShow on the 20 Posts You Might See on Facebook at 4 AM. I was online at 4:30 AM to research this. So sue me, for the sake of research I have joined the ranks of the early morning Facebook addicts.
This is the cumulative results of my research
7:14 AM
• So this is what I got up for at 4:30
AM to search the nocturnal or early morning habits of Facebookers

• Liked a page after sharing a waterbed image: PopularGadgetsAndMiscOfThe60s70s80s
• Got a recipe for Emergency Desserts
saw strange tatoo posts
• Was entertained by pictures of Ethel Mertz and John Wayne (much more by the latter)
• learned about a camel toe disguise product
• Commented on a post about who trains their animals better, cat or dog owners and I don't own either any more
• Read the confessions of the Groundhogs Most Wanted List
• Discovered a wine bottle with a built in glass
• And created a post about waterbeds asking people why they owned a waterbed in the 60's, 70's and 80's

The most practical thing that I got out of this early morning Facebook experience? I was up early enough to take out my garbage since I neglected to do it last night in blinding anticipation of discussing this topic on the TechnoGrannyShow this morning. And that's only because the garbage men were late. They must have been updating their Facebook pages but unfortunately they are not on my "friends" list. Is that something I should correct?

Listen in this morning at 10 AM but for now I am officially announcing that I am going back to sleep, what you do with that information is completely up to you.

Oh and if you are doing something foolish like working at 10 AM while my show is on, you can listen later.

Techno Granny, updates 21st Century Tech - Live & Recorded Episodes
Keeping up with technology is like running in place! Tips for baby boomers and beyond on how to keep up with 21st Century technology--30 minutes of tips to use to make you a little more savvy---from one self-taught novice to others and in language you can understand............From crock pot cooking...